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The above census entry is from the 1880 Washington County, Georgia
census, SD 2, ED 126, page 277. The Mays were close family friends to the
Hattaways; Kinchen was one of the witnesses to Baton Hattaway's will. Note
Sarah Ann Elizabeth May's occupation!
Hattaways and Hataways in the 1880 Census
Note: Since I began looking through the 1880 census for
Hattaways, the LDS church has released a complete transcription of the
1880 U. S. Census. It can be a challenge, as "Hattaway" was
evidently not a familiar name to the transcribers and it tends to be mis-transcribed
slightly (Hattanay is one version). However, the complete product, on 56
CD-ROMs for only $49, is an incredible bargain. I will continue working on
this page, but with less emphasis.
Reasonably good indices exist for
the 1790-1870 U.S. censuses. The 1880 census was another matter until the
publication of the LDS transcription (see above). The 1880
Soundex only indexed families with young children (under the age of 10)
and it has the inevitable errors as well. Slowly but surely, I am
reviewing the 1880 U. S. Census line-by-line for various Georgia and Alabama counties,
looking for families with the surname Hattaway or Hataway.
Johnson County, Georgia: I
have read this record line by line and found no Hattaway or Hataway
families listed, however there is a record for Eanoch (Enoch) Renfroe and
his wife Martha (Hattaway) Renfroe. This was a second marriage for
Enoch and a 12 year old girl, Luler (Lula?) in the household is presumably
a daughter from his first marriage to Cornelia Haygood. The two younger
daughters in the household, Ider and Ofeealer (Ida and Ophelia?), are
Hattaway kin. Source, 1880 U.S. Census, Johnson County, Georgia, Eanoch Renfroe household, SD 3, ED 60, 1201st GMD, page 20D, dwelling 173, family 173.
Laurens County, Georgia: I have read this record line by line
and found no Hattaway or Hataway families listed.
Warren County, Georgia: I have read this record line by line and
found two Hattaway families: (details to be posted soon)
Washington County, Georgia: (coming soon) |