| |
Note: Molly and Mattie are both
occasionally nicknames for Martha. |
A Multitude of Marthas!
1. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca. 1800 |
Wife of Baton Hattaway; family
name unknown. Appears with Baton on the Washington Co. Georgia
census in 1850 (age 50) & 1860 (age 55). Is mentioned in Baton's
will. It is not difficult to keep this Martha separate from the
others. |
2. |
Martha Lingo Hattaway,
b. ca 1829 |
Born Martha LINGO. Married John
Hattaway, son of Baton and Martha Hattaway, on 13 Feb 1848. Appears with
John on the Washington Co. Georgia census in 1850 (age 21), 1860 (age 30),
1870 (age 41), and 1880 (age 52). Applied for 12 month's widow's support
from John's estate on 16 Jul 1888. May be the Martha Hathaway listed alone
on the Washington Co. Georgia census in 1890 (age 64). |
3. |
b. ca 1830? |
Probable wife of M.
D. Hattaway (Martin? Marlin?). Died 18 Dec 1914. Buried in New Hope
Cemetery, Jones County, Georgia. Descendants in Bibb County and elsewhere.
Birth date is a total guess based on M. D.'s birthdate of 1829. |
4. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca 1834 |
Daughter of Baton and Martha
Hattaway. Married Appleton G. AMERSON on 13 Oct 1852. Appears on the
Washington Co. Georgia census with her parents in 1850 (age 16), and with
her husband in 1860 (age 26), 1870 (age 35) and 1880 (age 45). |
5. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca 1837 |
Daughter of Elisha
and Tabitha (DOWNS) Hattaway. Married Rubin L. HAYWOOD in Glascock County |
6. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca 1847 |
daughter of James and Elizabeth Haywood and wife of Aaron C. Hattaway, the
son of Abel and Mary (MOODY) Hattaway. |
7. |
Martha Hataway,
b. ca 1852 |
Appears in the 1880
U.S. Census for the State Insane Asylum, Beat 1, Hinds County, Mississippi
(p. 129C). She is a 28 year old married white female, born in Alabama. She
can't be confused with any of these Georgia Hattaways, but who is
she? |
8. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca 1852 |
Daughter of Hiram
and Frances Hattaway; appears in the 1860 Meriwether County census as
their 8 year old daughter. Married James W. NUNN 30 Nov 1868 in Meriwether
County. |
9. |
Martha (or Anna) Hattaway
b. ca. 1853 |
Daughter of B. O. and Nancy
(GILES) Hattaway. Granddaughter of Baton Hattaway. Appears on the
Washington Co. Georgia census with her parents in 1860 (age 7, called
Martha) and 1870 (age 16, called Anna). |
10. |
Martha Hattaway
b. ca. 1854 |
Daughter of Nathan and Serenia
(LINGO) Hattaway. Granddaughter of Baton Hattaway. Appears on the Washington Co. Georgia
census with her parents in 1870 (age 16). |
It is difficult to
separate Martha #9 and Martha #10 by age or census. Both are 16 in 1870 and
living with their parents; both are absent from their parent's households
in 1880. There is one marriage possibility: Martha Hataway married Enoch RENFROE on 30 Sep 1877.
Renfroe is enumerated with Enoch on the Johnson Co. Georgia census in 1880
(age 24). One reference describes a servant girl who came to Enoch
Renfroe's household from "Mr. Hattaway" in Laurens County in
1878. Nathan's descendants migrated to Laurens County while B. O.'s
descendants stayed in Washington County. Decendants of Elisha Hattaway
were also in Laurens County in the late 19th century.
Martha Renfroe gave birth to at
least three daughters (according to the 1880 and 1900 census entries) before her
husband's early death in 1885. She remarried to a Mr. PARKER in Johnson County.
I have not been able to track her further than this.
B. O. and Nancy Hattaway's daughter Martha may have died
fairly early. See their second daughter named Martha, born ca 1876, below.
At one time I thought that one of these Marthas was the
same person as the Mattie (or Maggie) Hataway who married Reuben MAY "at the
residence of the bride's father" on 25 Jul 1873. This has since been
shown to be America J. Hattaway, daughter of John and Martha (LINGO)
Hattaway, and not a Martha at all. |
12.. |
Martha and Mollie
b. 1858-1861, daughters of John & Martha Lingo Hattaway
Two daughters of John and Martha
(LINGO) Hattaway. Granddaughters of Baton Hattaway. They are difficult to
separate because one was born shortly before a census, one shortly after,
and their names are frequently different from census to census. The
predominance of data suggests that Mollie Hattaway is the elder, born
1858, and Martha Ann Hattaway is the younger, born about 1862.
CENSUS DATA (all from Washington County, Georgia): In 1860
only one of these girls is on the census, 2 year old Mosey. Both girls appear on the census with their
parents in 1870: Pennina, age 11, and Martha, age 9. One
appears on the census with her parents in 1880: Annie,
age 20. In 1890, Mollie May, age 31, appears with her husband Dock, and
Ann Burgamy, age 27, appears with her husband John. In 1900, Molly May is
listed as a 39 year old, born in Oct 1860, and Martha Burgamy, age 38, has
a given birthdate of Feb 1862. In 1910, Molly May is listed as a 53 year
MARRIAGE DATA: Mollie Hataway married Doctor MAY on 24 Oct 1878.
Annie Hattaway married John BERGAMY on 12 Sep 1880.
GEORGIA DEATH INDEX DATA: Mrs. Dock May, d. 24 Feb 1930
in Washington County. It is unknown if this is the correct record. Record
8232 (1930). Martha A. Burgamy, WF, d. 24 Nov 1943, age 82, in Washington
County. Record 28566 (1943).
GRAVESTONE DATA: Mrs. Mollie May, wife of Dock May, b.
19 Sep 1858 and d. 25 Feb 1931 (Pine Hill Methodist Church, Warthen,
Washington County, Georgia). Martha A. Burgamy's obituary said she was
buried in the Davisboro City Cemetery, Washington County, Georgia. (A
transcription and photo would be appreciated.)
OBITUARY DATA: Augusta Chronicle, 28 Nov 1943,
Mrs. J. T. Burgamy, 82. Also, in the Augusta Chronicle, 2 Nov 1936, Leacy
Hattaway Wilkins's obituary mentions Mrs. Annie Burgamy as her surviving
OTHER DATA: Floyd N. Burgamy, the son of Annie and John
Burgamy, acts as an index person tying together many records for Martha
Ann Hattaway (Mrs. J. T.) Burgamy. |
13. |
Martha S. Hattaway,
b. ca 1866 |
Daughter of Alfred
Baton and Mary Jane (Amerson) Hattaway. Granddaughter of Baton Hattaway. Martha S. Hattaway married Thomas WRIGHT on 1 Apr
1880. She is identified as "Martha S. Hattaway" in the 1870
census (with her parents) and as Mrs. Susie Wright in her mother's wills.
She predeceased her mother and the 1916 and 1922 wills grant bequests to
Susie Wright's children. |
14. |
Martha Hattaway,
b. ca 1876 |
Daughter of B. O. and Nancy
(Giles) Hattaway. Granddaughter of Baton Hattaway. Yes, B. O. and Nancy
had two daughters named Martha. If the first died before 1876, this second could have been named in remembrance of her.
Or not. In any case, she was too young to have been married in 1873, 1877,
1878 or 1880. She appears on the Washington Co. Georgia census with her
parents in 1880 (age 4, her name appears to be Martha Susan) and in 1890
(age 14, called Mittie). She married Kirkland ARMSTRONG in 1892 and died
of complications of diabetes at the age of 46. |
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