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Estate of John Hattaway (ca. 1826-1888)
Probate, John Hattaway: Widow's Petition for Support
State of Georgia
Washington County
To the Honorable Ordinary of said County.
The petition of Mrs. Martha Hataway, respectfully sheweth that she is widow of John Hataway, late of said county deceased, and that on the 16th day of July 1888 having an estate and no administration thereon, and that said Mrs. Martha Hataway took into her custody and control the entire estate of said deceased.
Your petitioners therefore prays that your Honor will appoint five discreet appraisers, to set apart and assign to your petitioner, either in property or money, a sufficiency from said estate for their support and maintenance for the space of twelve months from the date of the death of said deceased to be estimated according to the circumstances and standing of the family previous to the death of said deceased.
Martha Hataway
Probate, John Hattaway: Estate Sale
Estate of John Hattaway, decd.
List of the sale of property of John Hattaway Sen.
November 3 1888
1 Jenny Foot
| N. G. Stavely |
70 |
1 lot coon hides |
R. C. Hawkins |
41 |
1 Faucet & lot of leather |
W. T. Amerson |
15 |
1 lot shoe tools |
James Bridges |
45 |
1 lot hames, oxbows & c. |
L. J. Burgamy Jr. |
15 |
1 box, brace & bit |
L. J. Burgamy, Sen. |
1 |
20 |
1 foot adze |
Benjn. Amason |
1 |
1 Hand Saw |
L. J. Burgamy, Sen. |
70 |
1 Drawing Knife |
R. E. Dunham |
90 |
1 Square & Hand aa |
R.E. Dunham |
1 |
05 |
1 lot chisels |
Doct. Gibson |
25 |
1 Augur & hammer |
L. J. Burgamy |
40 |
Steel yards bucket & c. |
B. O. Hattaway Jun. |
15 |
1 Pitch fork |
R. C. Hawkins |
55 |
1 Spade & scoop |
Mrs. Hattaway |
20 |
1 Plowstock #1 |
E. M. Murphy |
75 |
" " #2 |
J. Q. Cobb |
65 |
" " #3 |
E. M. Murphy |
75 |
" " #4 |
E. M. Murphy |
91 |
1 Farmers Friend plow |
W. T. Amerson |
2 |
41 |
2 Plow stocks & harrow |
B. O. Hattaway Sen. |
50 |
1 lot Plows #1 |
E. M. Murphy |
55 |
" " #2 |
Doc May |
25 |
" " #3 |
W. A. Wilkins |
1 |
05 |
" " #4 |
D. C. Cumming Jun. |
65 |
" " #5 |
J. Q. Cobb |
1 |
05 |
1 lot hoes #1 |
B. O. Hattaway, Sen. |
25 |
" " #2 |
Henry May |
41 |
" " #3 |
D. C. Cumming Jun. |
65 |
1 froe & briar hook |
B. O. Hattaway Sen. |
55 |
1 bell & crowbar |
W. C. Motes |
88 |
1 swingle tree & irons |
J. B. Hattaway |
19 |
1 corn sheller |
Mrs. Hattaway |
50 |
1 horse wagon & harness |
Wytly? Cumming |
12 |
1 wheat cradle |
Ben. Amason |
10 |
1 oxcart & yoke |
W. R. Wilson |
6 |
05 |
80 bush. cottonseed @ 10 2/4 |
Doct. Gibson |
8 |
40 |
1 mule |
Mrs. Hattaway |
80 |
1 mare |
C. M. Joyner |
10 |
50 |
20 b. Corn #1 @ 65 |
E. G. Amason |
13 |
" " #2 @ 65 |
E. M. Murphy |
13 |
" " #3 @ 61 |
E. G. Amason |
12 |
20 |
" " #4 @ 60 |
E. G. Amason |
12 |
1112 lb. fodder per 100 lb 60 |
July Cooper |
10 |
27 |
1 black hog 1° choice |
Mrs. Hattaway |
4 |
" " " 2° choice |
W. H. Burgamy |
7 |
10 |
2 hogs in swamp |
Mrs. Hattaway |
7 |
1 do. |
B. C. Hattaway |
4 |
70 |
2 sows with claim |
R. E. Dunham |
13 |
1 no horn cow & calf |
Jane Young |
10 |
1 white faced cow & calf |
C. M. Joyner |
13 |
25 |
1 white now horned cow |
Benjn Amason |
21 |
70 |
1 no horned heifer |
J. O. Amason |
13 |
50 |
1 Red bull |
July Cooper |
7 |
15 |
1 Deep red ox |
R. E. Dunham |
18 |
50 |
1 red ox |
E. G. Amason |
22 |
Total |
340 |
98 |
Washington Co. |
I, J. L. Hattaway, Temporary Administrator of the estate of John Hattaway decd hereby certify that the above account of the sale of the personal property of said estate is just and true. |
John L. Hattaway |
Temp. Adm. |
Sworn to and subscribed before me May 28, 1889. |
M. Newman Ordinary W.C. |
Source: Washington County Probate Sales Book D
p. 258 |