Johnson County Ordinary Court Minutes Book B
page 300
September Term 1882
State of Georgia, Johnson County
To the Hon Ordinary of said County
The petition of Elizebeth Hatway showeth that
William Hataway late of said County departed this life on 16 day of
July 1882 leaving your petitioner as his widow and five minor children
to wit Georga Hataway age nine years John Hataway age seven years
Mittie Hateway aged five years Jane Hatway aged three and Thomas
Hataway aged one year Petitioner further showeth that said William
Hataway left only a small estate not worth over the sum of five
Hundred Dollars and that that there has been no administration taken
out on the same wherefore she prays that five discret appraisers be
appointed as provided by Law to set apart and assign from the estate
of said William Hataway a sufficiency for the twelve months support
and maintenance of your petitioner and the five minor children above
mentioned the widow & children of said William Hataway the
petitioner will ever pray & ct
Daley & Daley
Pett atty

Johnson County Ordinary Court Minutes Book B
page 301
September Term 1882
State of Georgia, Johnson County
The application of Mrs. Elizabeth Hatway for
setting apart a twelve months support to her and her five minor
children George John Mattie Jane and Thomas as the widow and minor
children of William Hataway late of said County deceased who leaves a
small estate which is with out an administrator It is therefore
ordered that C. H. Sheppard W. A. Thompkins William Day William Gornts
& J. V. Stevens be and they are hereby appointed as appraisers and
they or a majority of them shall proceed to set apart and assign to
petitioner and her said minor children from the Estate of said William
Hataway a sufficiency for twelve month support to be estimated
according to the circumstances & standing of the familly previous
to the death of said Wm Hataway keeping in view the solvency of the
Estate – You shall also set apart for the use of said widow and
children a sufficient ammount of household furniture as provided by
section 2571 of the Code of Georgia and make [indecipherable] to me
within three months from date of action as provided by law.
Given under my hand & official signature this
Sept 4th 1882
John M. Hightower